Sunday, July 15, 2007

7/13/07 - Causing Trouble Already

Day 1 consisted of mostly commuting for the whole family, so nobody was exactly a ray of sunshine upon arrival. Grandma, my parents, and I were the last to arrive. The rest of the family seemed to be in good spirits after having knocked back a few beers and polishing off a few bottles of wine.

It was already late when I arrived, probably around 10:30, so the party was winding down because everyone was so tired from traveling. (including myself, after I spent a riveting 2 hours at the border, it was like a party – everyone was out of their cars and dancing to music or socializing during the gridlock.) Everybody met up in Grandma’s suite after we were all settled for a small get together. After about an hour of catching up we all felt comfortable and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Presently there was a knock at the door and when I checked the peephole I saw a man dressed like a security guard. Immediately I thought back to college where everyone was partying, just having a good time, and “the man” has to come and break it up.
The security guard had a heavy French Canadian accent, and told us that he received a few noise complaints about our room. (Michael was probably nervous that the security guard received word of the 6 bottles of wine" he smuggled across the border.) I guess we’re just too rowdy for such a high-class place as Le Chateau Montebello. He offered us a “salon” we could relocate the party to, but we all decided to just call it a night after the no-fun patrol took it upon themselves to regulate. The consensus was that we would take him up on his offer for the salon (said quite comically in his accent) another night.
Everyone retired to their respective rooms for a busy day tomorrow.

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